e-ISSN 2237-9185

About the Journal
Educar Mais Magazine is a journal focused on the areas of Teaching and Education, published by the Graduate Program in Science and Technology in Education (PPGCITED), Pelotas-Visconde da Graça Campus (CaVG), linked to the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Sul-rio-grandense (IFSul). Since October 2019, it has been partnered The Graduate Program in Education of UNIPAMPA (PPGEdu) and The Graduate Program in Education of UNIVILLE.
The editorial management is automated through the Electronic Journal Publishing System (SEER) customized by the Brazilian Institute of Information Science and Technology (IBICT). The evaluation will be done by double lind peer review.
The magazine adopts the streaming publishing system. All current year issues will remain open (in progress) and as articles are accepted and diagrammed, they will be inserted into the issue that is not yet complete. With this, the flow of articles will be accelerated, increasing the exposure time of the material that will give greater visibility to the magazine and the works published through citations.
The magazine does not charge any fees, either for processing, for authors or for readers.
ISSN 2237–9185 (online)