He planetary citizen: urgent complex construction - ecosophical on Earth - Country
Planetary Citizen, Decoloniality, Planetary, Ecosophy, ComplexityAbstract
As a complex objective of the research, we have configured planetary citizenship as an urgent complex-ecosophic construct in the land-homeland. To do this, we go to transmethodic, decolonial and rhizomatic research with the transmethod: comprehensive, ecosophic and diatopic hermeneutics. The inquiry is located in the line entitled: Trans-pistemologies of knowledge-knowledge and transcomplex transmethodologies. Why not configure under modernist methods? Heresy, because planetariness, ecosophy, ethics, conservation and safeguarding of the earth, humanity as a whole with nature is impossible to conceive under the same defect that has produced the problem. For this reason, we are going to the construction in the planetary decoloniality of complex and transdisciplinary frameworks that carry Morinian excellences in the centenary of the birth of Edgar Morín, such as: planetary citizenship, ecosophy, anthropolitics, land-homeland among others. Unveiling the potentialities of the execrated and colonized communities under inclusion as the flag of the investigation.
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