Teachers perceptions on the pedagogical use of emerging technologies: an investigation in Porto Velho/RO
Emerging Technologies, Pedagogical Practices, Basic Education, Western Amazon.Abstract
This article, an excerpt from a Master's research, aims to investigate the perceptions of teachers from public schools in Porto Velho, state of Rondônia, regarding the use of Emerging Technologies (ET) in their pedagogical practices. This was a qualitative study, an Exploratory one, conducted between May and September 2018. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, carried out with six teachers from each of the two schools investigated, and discursive textual analysis was adopted for analysis. It was found that the teachers at School A feel more prepared for the pedagogical use of ET than those at School B. From their perceptions, the research findings point out: most of them do not recognize the theory-practice relationship; empirical feeling of preparation for the use of ET and; severe structural problems in schools. Through such results, the use of ET in the pedagogical practices of these teachers has formative and structural limitations, reflecting gaps in teacher training and structural limitations at public schools in the city, making it difficult to insert Emerging Technologies typical from the 21st century, attractive to students, in their classes.
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