Literature review and current trends in the Teaching of Modern Physics
Modern Physics, High School, Theory of RelativityAbstract
This article is a literature review that explores Modern Physics (MP) topics in the context of Physics Teaching, as part of a doctoral study that aims to introduce MP in Secondary Education (SE) with a historical and epistemological view of Science, making use of scientific argumentation. In this way, this article seeks to answer the following questions: Based on the literature in the area, what are the main themes of MP that have been worked on, from a historical and epistemological perspective? What concepts, strategies and trends does the literature suggest should be explored in primary education? The qualitative analysis revealed that the articles deal with various themes of MP, with a language that is robust to high school. The Theory of Relativity stands out in the research, although there is no conclusive indication as to which aspect of the theory should be addressed. However, through content analysis it was possible to identify four categories of how the theory's concepts are discussed in the area. Even though we haven't arrived at a definitive strategy for teaching in the classroom, the review provides a basis and foundation for us to understand that working with Relativity in high school is a useful way of proposing an interdisciplinary and historical approach, and building students' skills and critical thinking, as well as enabling them to understand some of the technologies present in contemporary times.
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