The problem of the oblique launch in the Teaching of Physics with an approach in computer programming
High school, Conceptual Field Theory, Python, VergnaudAbstract
One of the subjects that has aroused interest and discussion by the academic community in the area of education in Brazil is the Teaching of Physics. Physics´ curricular component is characterized as difficult, uninteresting and consequently the teaching and learning process presents difficulties. One of the possibilities to modify this scenario is the development of classes with experimental activities using new technologies and computational resources. The guiding question for this investigation was: How can computer programming help in the teaching and learning processes of the oblique launching problem? This work presents a new alternative for Physics classes with the construction of computer programs, by the students themselves, applied in the simulation of physical phenomena. The content covered referred to the problem of oblique launching. The learning theory that supported the study was the Conceptual Fields Theory. The results obtained were satisfactory, pointing out that computer programming can be used as a didactic resource in the teaching and learning processes of Physics.
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