Knowledge and practices about the body in motion in Childhood Education: perspective of teachers
Body and movement, Child education, Knowledge and practicesAbstract
This work aims to promote a discussion and reflection on the role of the body and movement with and for children in Early Childhood Education and its importance for the development of reflective and autonomous thinking of children, as well as identifying the knowledge of teachers in a Center of Child Education in the Municipality of Ji-Paraná / RO, on “Body, Gestures and Movements” analyzing the strategies used to carry out the activities. For the production of the data we use a qualitative approach. The research was developed with seven teachers from a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education in the municipal network of Ji-Paraná / RO. Data collection was performed using a semi-open questionnaire and participant observation. Data analysis was carried out based on the articulation of the information obtained with the theoretical framework that discuss the importance of the movement in Early Childhood Education, Freire (1989, 2006), Garanhani (2008), Baecker (1996), Miranda (2008), among others. As a result, we affirm that the movement is of paramount importance for the integral development of the child and should be considered as an essential part of the teacher's planning, since it enables learning in other areas of knowledge.
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