Complex Planetary Decolonial Education as an inclusive essence and its a-significant ruptures
Ruptures, A-Significan, Planetary Decolonial Education, ComplexityAbstract
The transmethodical study with rhizomatic deconstruction and ecosophical and diatopic comprehensive hermeneutics supports the a-significant ruptures in Complex Planetary Decolonial Education as an inclusive essence. The a-significant ruptures erase the exclusive and colonial conceptions to give a new decolonial and inclusive significance; among them all the manifestations of the different coloniality intertwined in the destruction of the value of the human being taught in education; the a-significant rupture of the reductionist conception of the human being; and teaching it from its complexity: nature-body-mind-soul-spirit-God; the relationship with God, Christophany makes God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ a member of our family, of the school, communities of the earth. The a-significant rupture in the reductionist and separatist conception of science and knowledge and know-how imprints a wonderful substance on teaching. The concordance of mythos and logos in education makes educational praxis more complex.
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