Digital media in biology education in ENEBIO communications: interaction, dialogue, and listening
Digital Technologies, Qualitative Research, Protagonism, Interactivity, BiologyAbstract
The article investigates the use of digital media in Biology education based on communications presented at the National Meeting of Biology Education (ENEBIO), adopting a qualitative documentary approach grounded in Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA). Forty-one papers were analyzed, organized into units of meaning, resulting in two emerging final categories: Category A – Interaction with dialogue and listening promotes student autonomy and protagonism, and Category B – Communication with student records and productions. The text focuses on the analysis of Category A. Digital media, such as videos, music, games, and interactive platforms, proved effective in promoting more dynamic classes, fostering interactivity and student autonomy. The evidence highlights that the use of these tools can bring students closer to the activities and languages of the content and themes in Biology Education. However, challenges such as the lack of adequate infrastructure and the need for teacher training for the effective use of these technologies were also emphasized.
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