Reflections on the integration of computational thinking into classroom practices: challenges to teacher training
Computational Thinking, Teacher Training, ConstructionismAbstract
The integration of Computational Thinking (CT) into classroom practices has the potential to enrich both teaching and learning at all stages of education. This pedagogical approach can assist in acquiring crucial skills for individuals, enabling them to understand, analyze, specify, structure, contrast, and solve problems. This article presents the evolutionary landscape of CT from its origins to the present day. It outlines various approaches to how CT has been explored over the years in education, the key concepts that underpin the subject, as well as its application in teacher training. It is a literature review that aimed to obtain the state of the art of the theme through a literature reseach between 2017 and 2022. Finally, based on the reviewed material, it concludes on the importance of understanding which competencies teachers need to integrate CT into their classroom practices and the need to develop methods and tools to assist teachers in this endeavor.
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