Public policy on external evaluation: a case study of the municipal public education network of Sobral/CE
Quality of education, External evaluation, Public policy, SobralAbstract
Quality and equity are goals to be achieved in the world of education. However, the Brazilian educational scenario still needs improvement. But even so, a municipality in the interior of Ceará, Sobral, stands out in terms of municipal public education. Therefore, the present study aims to present the indicators of the performance evaluation instruments of the public network in the municipality of Sobral-CE, pointing out actions that made it possible for this public teaching network to stand out with positive indices. An exploratory research is used as a methodology, which provides a greater detail of the results obtained from basic sources for this work. It is also a case study, which is based on official government data (municipal, state and federal) that focus on the results of Sobral in external evaluations: Brazilian System of Evaluations of Basic Education (SAEB) and International Program of Evaluation of Students (PISA). From the results found, it is concluded that it was possible to achieve a quality education with equity through public policies based on goals and actions aimed at the local educational scenario.
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