Teaching multiplication and the Theory of Conceptual Fields: a practice with deaf students
Mathematics Education, Deaf Education, Multiplicative Field, Handling Materials, Bilingual School for the DeafAbstract
This article is an excerpt from the already completed master's research that addressed the theme of multiplication in Deaf Education from the Theory of Conceptual Fields, by Gérard Vergnaud. The purpose of this article is to describe, discuss and analyze two meetings, out of a total of eight, held with deaf elementary school students, whose focus was the teaching of multiplication. The production of data, from this research with a qualitative approach, was carried out from the video recording of the eight meetings held, for later transcription and analysis. The tasks of each meeting were organized in an increasing degree of difficulty, following the students' development and reasoning about the multiplication process with the insertion of different manipulative materials. Eight deaf students, in the 5th and 6th years, from a bilingual school for the deaf in the city of XXX participated in the research. The main results show the importance of using concrete and visual material for students, leading them to reflect on the processes experienced in the classroom, in order to build and deepen their knowledge.
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