The concept of entropy and its relationship to the economic process: implications for Physics Peaching
Georgescu-Roegen, Entropy, Physics teaching, Environmental education, Science-Technology-Society (STS)Abstract
This theoretical essay deals with implications for the teaching of physics about the relationships between the laws of thermodynamics, the economic process and environmental issues, from the perspective of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (G-R). It is assumed that the human desire to dominate nature focused on the accumulation of knowledge and capital, in the transformation of science into economic value. The effects of this process require the necessary reflection on the limits imposed by nature itself, in terms of energy and material resources. Thus, it is urgent to think about a science teaching that aims at the globality and the understanding of the multidimensions of natural and social phenomena and that seeks to problematize the implications of science and technology in society and in environmental protection.
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