A study on the curricular proposals of Physical Education licentiate and baccalaureate courses in public universities in the central region, Alto Jequitinhonha and northern Minas Gerais
Curriculum, Degree, Bachelor, Physical EducationAbstract
Like the other areas of knowledge, the curriculum of the Physical Education course suffers and suffered from the social and cultural changes of its surroundings. In this sense, resolution 058/2004, determined that Physical Education would have two distinct areas of training, already passing, therefore, 15 (fifteen) years of this resolution. In this sense, this research aimed to analyze the curricular proposals of the Bachelor’s and Bachelor’s courses in Physical Education of five public universities in the Central Region, Alto Jequitinhonha and North of the state of Minas Gerais, points congruent and divergent from the formative proposals for both qualifications. We achieved this goal through documentary research and concluded that the fragmentation of the course should not reduce specific knowledge, but allow broad learning to enable choice in a vast scenario. Thus, we believe that unification would be the most consistent way with the reality experienced by (the) academics (the) and professionals in the area, since we find in the curricular matrices analyzed several similar compulsory disciplines, which refutes the idea of course fragmentation.
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