The applicability of digital technologies in a context of social vulnerability in Basic Education: a systematic review of literature
Teaching-learning, TDIC’s, Educational technology, Social vulnerabilityAbstract
Based on the experiences and reports brought by students and teachers regarding the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs, in a context of social vulnerability, this study sought to answer the following problem: What are the difficulties for the application of ICTs by teachers and the use of them by students in the current context? From this perspective, this research aimed to investigate whether the applicability and use of digital technologies are less assertive in a context of social vulnerability. To this end, a Systematic Literature Review - SLR was conducted. In this sense, we searched for articles from 2016 to 2020 in the repositories of the Scientific Electronic Library Online - Scielo; Portal de periódicos da CAPES and Google Scholar (Google Scholar). From this perspective, this research is justified by the needs regarding the teaching-learning process in the school environment. In this context, through the analysis of the results obtained, it was found that the teaching methodologies based on the use of ICTs in the classroom, there is discrepancy regarding its applicability, use, and mastery by teachers.
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