Family-school relationship as an element of the social representations of the teaching profession on the Facebook social network
Social representations, Social networks, Family-school relationshipAbstract
This article is the result of a broader research and deals with the challenges of the family-school relationship as an integral element of the social representations of the teaching profession, conveyed in communications from teachers on the social network Facebook. The Theory of Social Representations, elaborated by S. Moscovici was the adopted framework. Social representations are products of social movements, built collectively and in social interactions, with values and ideas that circulate in society in different spheres, including virtual ones. We developed a documentary research. We present a clipping of four images with 20 comments from teachers published on Facebook pages. The results suggest that the social representations of teachers conveyed in their communications on the Facebook social network portray a family-school relationship marked by conflicts in the performance of functions between parents and teachers, feelings of devaluation and loss of teaching authority. We emphasize that the elements that compromise the teaching work are indicative that one should not blame the teacher alone for the educational problems. When we act in this way we are ignoring the various obstacles to the exercise of the profession today.
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