Childhood education in the context of brazilian education: between caring, playing and educating
Early Childhood Education, Take care, Play, EducateAbstract
This paper presents a theoretical excerpt from the research “Assessment of learning: from the organization of pedagogical work to the record of monitoring children in the context of Early Childhood Education”, master's thesis of the XXX program at YYY University. The work aims to discuss the triad that involves caring, playing and educating in the context of Early Childhood Edyuucation in Brazil, is a bibliographic study with a qualitative approach that, in its culmination, pointed out the importance of early childhood schools to work inseparably with the aforementioned triad, not being restricted to the care of the child, but extending to educating and playing, articulate. This articulation, much more than didactic action, includes playing, educating and caring as extensive fields of knowledge that require teaching commitment and public policies that, in fact, recognize childhood and its particularities as intertwined in a country's educational development process.
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