Common mental disorders and adaptation to remote learning in health academics in the COVID-19 pandemic
Higher Education, University Students, Remote Learning, Mental HealthAbstract
The pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused the obligatory virtualization of the action of higher education institutions, which led to the establishment of remote education. As a result of this atypical scenario, the sudden changes required immediate and compulsory adaptation by university students, which may predispose future health professionals to mental illness. The present article aimed to evaluate the prevalence of common mental disorders in health area undergraduates and the indicators of adaptation to remote teaching during the pandemic of COVID-19. As part of the method, a cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive survey was conducted with 211 health care academics (X ̅ = 24.4±6.8 years). The findings reveal that Psychology (45.9%) and Medicine (15.8%) students presented higher levels of common mental disorders when compared to students from other areas, being even significantly higher in females (78.1%). The results demonstrate that it is necessary to implement projects and actions aimed at promoting mental health in these students.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mara Dantas Pereira, Míria Dantas Pereira; Marianna Rodrigues Marques Dourado; Gabriel Pedro Gonçalves Lopes, Horley Soares Britto Neto, Cleberson Franclin Tavares Costa, Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas

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