Bachelard's contributions to Child Education: investigative teaching sequence applied to children aged 2 to 4 years




Bachelardian Epistemology, Epistemological obstacles, Pedagogical obstacles, Philosophy of no


The practice of teaching in Early Childhood Education, in contemporary times, requires an investigative posture related to the adoption of new methodologies, the work presents some of Bachelard's contributions to this perspective. Its general objective is to reflect on the ideas of the philosopher Gaston Bachelard, extracting their respective contributions to the production of knowledge, in the early years of Early Childhood Education, considering epistemology, the vision of Science and evolution. The study concludes that for an effective scientific literacy of children it is necessary to investigate how children's scientific knowledge is built inside and outside school. In this conception for the effective Teaching of Science, there is a need to overcome epistemological obstacles, and the way to overcome this is the insertion of environmental variables into the teaching dynamics (comprising, above all, the relations of these variables with the aspects of study), that is, the bachelardian theory considers the production of knowledge in a relevant way as the essence of the investigative method and within this premise, it contributes by valuing the no and, above all, the knowledge that the child brings with him.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Almeida, Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA

Licenciada em Língua Portuguesa e Língua Espanhola e Mestranda Ensino de Ciências e Matemática na Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA). Professora da rede municipal de Bagé/RS.

Marcia Lucchese, Federal University of Pampa

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2000), a Master's degree in Physics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2002) and a PhD in Physics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2006). She is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Pampa. Has experience in Physics, with emphasis on Condensed Matter Physics. He is currently working in the training of teachers in the area of ​​science teaching and coordinates the Professional Master's Course in Science Teaching. Works with the identification of Girls in the Area of ​​Exacts. She has two small children entitled to two maternity leaves.


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How to Cite

Adriana, & Lucchese, M. M. (2022). Bachelard’s contributions to Child Education: investigative teaching sequence applied to children aged 2 to 4 years. Educar Mais, 6, 247–254.