Remote teaching and orientation of undergraduate thesis in COVID-19 times: challenges of amazonian educator's humanized formation
Remote Education, Teacher training, Undergraduate thesis orientation, COVID-19, Paraense AmazonAbstract
The text aims to reflect the challenges that students have been facing to finalize the undergraduate thesis in the COVID-19 pandemic, within the scope of the Pedagogy Courses at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), Campus Santarém and the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Campus Bragança / PA, and the UFPA Field Education Course, Campus Altamira / PA. The central question sought to answer: What factors may have influenced a relationship of humanized orientation in times of pandemic, with a view to ensuring the quality of the process of construction, production and defense of undergraduate thesis in the courses surveyed ? The delimitation of the object of study - remote teaching and teaching, is justified by the undergraduate thesis as it is an activity of extreme relevance for teacher training, and a privileged moment of knowledge and immersion in the educational reality. These are works that guide the appreciation and respect for the differences and the socio-cultural diversity of the students themselves and of school and non-school education in their Amazon territories (city dwellers, riverside dwellers, quilombolas, indigenous people, rural populations), fostering reflections on realities, theories and knowledge production in processes of interactions between supervisor and mentee and which in a pandemic context raises other practices, such as remote teaching. The research was supported by the quantitative and qualitative approach, in which for data collection an electronic questionnaire was made available to students of the educator training courses at the Federal University of Western Pará - Campus Santarém and the Federal University of Pará - Campus Bragança and Altamira. The main challenges stand out: the (in) accessibility of the internet in the municipalities / communities involved; ignorance of empirical research strategies on social networks; and, strangeness in using the digital space for undergraduate thesis guidelines and defenses; maintenance of themes, however, changes in the focus of study. In this context, it is also revealed that the teacher-student relationship was flexible and humanized, involving learning processes that go beyond the conclusion works delivered to the Pedagogy and Education courses in the respective FIHE / Campus.
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