Formative processes mediated by emerging technologies in the state of Rondônia at pandemic times: what do the teachers say?
Teacher training, Emergency Remote Teaching, Mediation, Emerging Technologies, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
This research investigated, from the perceptions of (so-called) “articulating teachers” a continuing education process carried out in Rondônia, through Emergency Remote Teaching, limits and possibilities that permeated the technologies uses in this process. The Vygotskian concept of mediation and the Emerging Technologies (ET) perspective were theoretically adopted to discuss the issue. The data, from an online questionnaire and from participant observation, were analyzed in the light of discursive textual analysis and produced the following findings: i. in a Vygotskian perspective, the technologies used acted as tools and as signs in the remote education mediation activity; ii. the most relevant learnings, according to the teachers, were those related to the ET uses during the formative process, more mentioned even more than the contents worked; iii. the main difficulties reported were the poor internet connection in the municipalities and the lack of knowledge about the use of technologies by the teachers; iv. teachers were aware of the importance of mastering technologies as educators and optimists regarding their pedagogical use in a post-pandemic scenario.
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