Making PBL (Problem-based learning) clean: an ultra-rcent internacional review
Higher Education, Scope Review, PBL, critical perspective, active methodologiesAbstract
Active methodologies have gained prominence in the educational field in recent years and, among them, Problem-Based Learning (known by the acronym PBL). This paper presents a scope review from a critical perspective, based on scientific articles published in the ultra-recent international literature (year 2020), with a focus on the theme of PBL in higher education. Current data indicate the predominance of qualitative designs over quantitative designs, prevalence of the English language to express the results, adoption of the survey as the most used technique for data collection. Also, that the papers can be classified into three categories: papers with consistent empirical evidence about the advantages for learning with the adoption of PBL; papers that map their counterpoints and limits and, still, papers that no present this evidence, especially since the techniques of data collection/ generation are indirect. It is concluded that there is a fertile ground for the development of research aimed at the adoption of PBL, especially when the methodological design points to evidence of the learning process.
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