Metacognition and the learning of English as an additional language: a bibliographic review
Metacognitive strategies, Teaching-learning, State of knowledge.Abstract
The research bases itself in the importance of the use of learning strategies associated with the learning of English, as a way to qualify it. With these strategies and as a study cut out, the investigation is about analyzing the ones with metacognitive nature. In this scenario, the goal is to map theses and dissertations associated to the presence of metacognition as a resource of learning English in a way to identify the main features. The investigation used as reference the data bank of theses and dissertations of Capes, identifying one thesis and ten dissertations. Such researches are listed, described and analyzed in a way to identify the existence of a reduced number of work with this theme; emphasis in empiric researches of qualitative approach and involving; predominance of the usage of questionnaires as a tool for collecting data; impossibility of identifying focus or research groups; and distribution of the researches through nine Universities and in ten post-graduation different programs. Besides that, the research found that metacognition has been studied from the use of teaching-learning strategies.
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