School failure and evasion in High School in Brazil: state of knowledge
Teaching-learning, school dropout, young.Abstract
The main objective of this research was to carry out a review (state of knowledge) on school dropout in high school in Brazil, with an emphasis on school failure, in order to understand the main variables and aspects related to dropout by students in this cycle in basic education schooling. National articles were selected from the Capes Periódicos database considering the last decade, using the combination of the descriptors "school dropout" and "high school". The collected data were submitted to content analysis. The main results showed that school dropout occurs, most of the time, because of social vulnerability, lack of adequacy of pedagogical proposals to the reality of students, absence of public policies and early work.
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Copyright (c) 2020 João Carlos de Souza Nascimento, Edileuza Knupp Nascimento, Daniela Beatriz Pires Camargo, Tiago Esteves da Silva, Tiago Dias Ferracioli Azevedo, Carolina Ferreira Barros Klumpp
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