Possibilities of educational uses of topics related to Earth Sciences
Science Education, Earth, GeologyAbstract
This article aims to investigate the possibilities of using themes related to Earth Sciences in educational activities. To support the investigation, a broad theoretical review was carried out on different topics related to the study of planet Earth. Three face-to-face educational activities of scientific dissemination involving Geology topics were organized by the authors and carried out in 2022. A questionnaire was prepared to ascertain the participants' conceptions about the topics addressed in these activities. This questionnaire was answered by a total of 45 participants in the presentations. The data obtained indicate the importance of work, in basic education, with themes associated with the study of planet Earth, its constituents, its geological history, from its origins to the present day, and the planetary impacts of human actions. Access to an education involving knowledge of Geology can contribute to greater environmental awareness about the consequences of our everyday attitudes and that actually values the concept of sustainability.
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