High abilities and giftedness (HA/GD): a narrative review of the literature on educational inclusion and teacher training
Special Education, Teacher training, Inclusive education, High abilities and giftednessAbstract
This study aims to analyze current developments in published articles on teacher training and the inclusive process of students with high abilities and giftedness. Regarding the methodological categories, the study has a qualitative approach, and the procedural method of narrative literature review was chosen. Regarding the filtering and selection stage, a total of fourteen articles were selected to compose the textual scope of discussion on the aforementioned theme, the time frame established was 2021 to 2024 (last four years). It is noteworthy that the search for works for analysis was carried out in the following databases: Capes Periodicals Portal, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO Brazil), Google Scholar and Web of Science. The results highlighted the relevance of works focused on initial and continuing education emphasizing an inclusive perspective, since research related to this audience is still scarce, and there are many historically erroneous and segregating conceptions. Finally, it is concluded that the training of education professionals is vital for the successful inclusion of students with high abilities and giftedness, as it increases their ability to identify, support and welcome these students within the educational system.
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