Literary reading practices in school: reflections on the last years of Elementary Education
Portuguese Language, Literary Reading, Elementary EducationAbstract
This bibliographic article aims to reflect on how literary reading practices can be applied in the Portuguese Language component in the last years of elementar education, as prescribed by the legal educational frameworks. For this purpose, we consider aspects discussed by authors such as COSSON (2022), Colomer (2007), Soares (2022), and Solé (1998). Initially, we present the guidelines provided by the National Curriculum Parameters – PCN (Brasil, 1998), the National Common Core Curriculum – BNCC (Brasil, 2018), the Curriculum Framework of Rio Grande do Sul – RCG (Rio Grande do Sul 2018), and the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education - LDBEN (Brasil, 1996) regarding the encouragement of literary reading practices in school. Finally, some reflections on the literary reading, in the last years of elementary education, will be presented as final considerations. Regarding the literary reading in school, we observed a certain discursive resonance between the guiding documents National Curriculum Parameters and National Common Core Curriculum concerning the conception of language (enunciative-discursive), the centrality attributed to the text, and the social and cultural aspect of these practices.
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