Creative insubordination and computation thinking: what do teachers say?
Math Teachers Training, Creative Insubordination, Computational ThinkingAbstract
This article is an excerpt from a Master's dissertation research in Mathematics Teaching. The objective of this article is to present one of the stages of the research, in which actions of Creative Insubordination related to the perception that Mathematics teachers have regarding Computational Thinking (CT) were investigated through a questionnaire to prepare their classes, according to the BNCC. The theoretical references used include ideas about Computational Thinking and Creative Insubordination. The data collected was analyzed using a qualitative bias in light of Content Analysis. The research results indicate that even with vague knowledge about PC, participants already work with resources related to it, signaling that in some way it is already being worked on in the classroom. As a result, it is inferred that a greater understanding of CP needs to occur through teachers' access to continuing education on the topic.
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