Participation of private actors in the state public education system of Piauí
Educational Policy, Basic Education, Privatization, Educational ProvisionAbstract
The decentralization model adopted in Brazil during the 1990s redefined social public policies by reordering responsibilities between government spheres and entrusting them at local levels. In view of this, the present text discusses the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to the educational support by the education systems. The aim of this research is to analyze privatization in Basic Education of the State Public School System in Piauí, based on the identification of private actors in the adoption of programs and projects implemented in the educational policy of the Piauí State Department of Education (SEDUC/PI). As a theoretical contribution, we dialogued with the studies of authors such as Paro (1992); Luz (2000); Mészaros (2006); Harvey (2008); Adrião (2009); Robertson (2013); Peroni e Caetano (2016); Goulart, Cássio e Ximenes (2019); Cássio (2019); Adrião, (2022). The methodology used was quantitative and qualitative research using and documentary research and analysis of educational statistics. The characterization of the data showed the presence of programs created by foundations, institutes and philanthropic social organizations in the dimensions of management and educational provision operating in the state education system of the state of Piauí. The results pointed to the progress and expansion of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), assuming responsibility through projects and programs in state schools of education from Piauí, which act in management and supply, in the name of the discourse built on "efficiency and management by results", through the establishment of partnerships with the private sector. The results also confirmed an increase in philanthropy, with emphasis on educational services and a significant improvement in actions aimed at technological mediation in basic education, involving programs and projects focused on teaching, teacher training and school management.
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