Guiding principles for the work of the school psychologist: a documental analysis




School Psychology, Intersectorality, Public Policy


The article presents the guiding principles for the work of the school psychologist, with the objective of structuring recommendations arising from official documents of the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP) and the Regional Council of Psychology of the State of São Paulo (CRP-SP) with regard to the practices of psychology professionals in the school environment. We chose to carry out a documentary analysis, having selected four official reference materials for the work of the psychologist in the educational context, namely: one that deals with the relationship between psychology and education and its possible contributions to professional practices of the CRP; a thematic notebook on psychology in relation to school demands and intersectorality from CRP-SP; a document of technical references for psychology professionals regarding basic education from the CRP in conjunction with the Technical Reference Center for Psychology and Public Policies (CREPOP); and, finally, one referring to a technical note on combating violence in schools from the CFP. The selected documents addressed various contributions to the professional practice of psychologists in the educational sphere, highlighting a greater scope in the care of students by conceiving intersectoral paths and the need to enter the scope of public policies to act in a more conscious and cohesive manner.


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Author Biographies

Patrícia Oliveira de Freitas, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

Psychologist, Psychopedagogue and Neuropsychologist, Master's student in Education at the Universidade Cidade de São Paulo. During his undergraduate studies, he carried out scientific initiation research on anxiety disorder and its relationship with university life, adolescents in the hospital context and the link between mental health and religiosity from a psychological perspective. She works as a clinical psychologist, focusing on children and adolescents.

André Aron Pastore Dryzun, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

He is currently a psychologist at the Federal Institute of São Paulo. Master in Education from the University of the City of São Paulo (2023). Postgraduate from the Professional Improvement Program in Clinical Psychology also from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2012). He holds a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2010). He worked as a psychologist in the Basic Health Care of Campinas (2011 - 2012) and also in the Bragança City Hall as a psychologist at the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS), as an Advisor to the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents representing the Secretariat. of Social Action and Development and managing the Secretariat as Partnership Manager with civil society entities. He has always worked with public policies, combining work with the psychology clinic. He was the writer and coordinator of the Ten-Year Socio-Educational Service Plan for the Municipality of Bragança Paulista-SP.

Eric Ferdinando Passone, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

Graduated in Psychology from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (1997-2002); Master and PhD in Education from Unicamp (2005-2012). He worked as a psychologist in a socio-educational program for children and adolescents in vulnerable situations and as coordinator of educational projects, with the executive branch of the municipality of Piracicaba (2002-2005). He taught Social Psychology, Psychology and Education, Psychology, Culture and Education, Communication Psychology and Psychology Applied to Law at the Methodist University of Piracicaba (2009-2013). He carried out his post-doctorate at the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo (2013-2016), under the supervision of Dr. Leandro de Lajonquière. Participated as a volunteer as an Associate Researcher at the Center for Public Policy Studies at the University of Campinas (2016-2020). He was a teacher and mentor in the Postgraduate Program in Education, Subjectivity and Psychoanalysis at Ibirapuera University (SP). He is a professor and deputy coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE) and professor of the Professional Master's Program in Educational Management (PPGP-GE) at the University of the City of São Paulo (UNICID). Member of the UNICID Ethics and Research Committee. Member of Red INFEIES (Red de Estudios e Investigaciones Psicoanalíticos e Interdisciplinarias en Infancia e Instituciones) and RUEPSY (Réseau Universitaire International d?Études d'Études d'Éducation et de Psychanalyse). Leader of the CNPq Educational Management and Assessment Research Group. Studies the field of educational public policies, management, evaluation, psychoanalysis and education. Supervises psychotherapy internships, social projects, psychology and work, in the Psychology Course at Unicid.


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How to Cite

Oliveira de Freitas, P. O. de ., Pastore Dryzun, A. A. P. ., & Ferdinando Passone, E. F. (2024). Guiding principles for the work of the school psychologist: a documental analysis. Educar Mais, 8, 145–157.