Teacher education processes on learning evaluation by pedagogy teachers working in Porto Velho/RO
Learning evaluation, Teaching in higher education, Pedagogy, Initial and continuing teachers’ educationAbstract
This paper presents results of a research that investigated the teacher education and the Pedagogy teacher’s performance on Pedagogy courses offered by Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Porto Velho/RO in relation to learning evaluation. It was an exploratory research with a dialectical approach, which adopted the analysis unit “Relation between teacher education and the Pedagogy teacher’s practice in Porto Velho/RO”. In this manuscript, Analytical Axis 1 stands out, “Context of training for the evaluation of learning by Pedagogy teachers in Porto Velho”. Data were collected via a mixed online questionnaire and its link was sent to all Pedagogy teachers, working at three HEI participants, two private and one public. 23 teachers answered the questionnaire, available from October to November 2022. Among the findings related to the teacher education processes, it is worth noting that: 57% said they had received initial theoretical-practical adequate formation for learning evaluation, while 26% responded that they had not received this formation and 17% claimed to have received it partially. As for continuing education, 30% have a Lato sensu postgraduate degree, 26% Master's level and 44% a PhD. Our research sought to deepen the debate about the learning evaluation, in view of the few investigations about learning evaluation in Higher Education carried out in the Northern Brazilian and in State of Rondônia.
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