Psychological suffering among students: the approach of technicians and teachers in a federal institution of professional and technological education
Professional and Technological Education, Psychological Suffering, Mental Health in SchoolAbstract
This study aims to investigate how the approach to psychological suffering among students occurs at the IFFluminense Cabo Frio campus, especially regarding the role of teachers. A field research methodology was used, associating the use of an online questionnaire with the teachers and conducting face-to-face interviews with the technical professionals involved in the multiprofessional mental health care. The collected data were organized and analyzed through descriptive statistics, when quantitative, and through categories, when qualitative. To process and understand this qualitative information, the fundamentals of content analysis (organization, coding, and categorization) were used. The research results showed that the teachers, although largely graduates of teaching degrees, have difficulties in identifying and addressing the issue, which may be leading to a process of invisibility of cases.
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