To re-link if you un-link, another flaw of planetary decoloniality: Nobody pours new wine into an old wineskin
Rhizome, Planetary decoloniality, Taras, Complexity, DisengagementAbstract
The defects as satires in decoloniality that deserve the de-linkage before the false re-linkage are of urgent consideration, so we continue repeatedly influencing the false decoloniality; For this reason, we are in compliance with the complex objective of the inquiry: to analyze the imperative to unlink to re-link in planetary decoloniality. It is a rhizomatic, planetary and complex decolonial inquiry, legacies in planetary decolonial studies as apodictic of complexity in all its interpretations; while transmethodical, with comprehensive, ecosophical and diatopic hermeneutics; in analytical, empirical and purposeful moments. The defects to be separated follow lines of research entitled: education-transcomplex transepistemologies, planetary decoloniality-complexity in re-linkages and transepistemologies of knowledge-knowledge and transcomplex transmethodologies. At the propositional moment, it is evident, for example, the need to break away from groups that violate life, that attack the planet with the excuse of building decolonial projects; Human beings must be aware that they must not give in to pressures and deceptive offers against global coloniality, capitalism; when the actions are conducive to the disproportionate purpose of the coloniality that violates life.
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