Reflections on possible interlacies between Mathematics Education and the Education of the Deaf in the productions between 2010 and 2020
Mathematics Education, Deaf Education, Bibliographic research, BDTDAbstract
This article presents a synthesis of the dissertation defended in 2021, in the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Pelotas, in Pelotas/RS. The research carried out, with a qualitative approach, was defined as bibliographical research and aimed to describe and analyze two of the emerging themes identified from the intertwining between Mathematics Education and Deaf Education in the productions contained in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) in the period between 2010 and 2020. To collect data, a survey of productions was carried out using the terms “mathematics” and “deaf” only in the title. From the studies identified, five categories emerged, two of which were analyzed: 1) digital technological strategies in teaching deaf people and 2) construction of concepts and mathematical knowledge by deaf students using manipulative teaching materials and games. It is concluded that the areas are intertwined in several ways, such as the use of Libras and the search for innovative teaching methods and strategies taking advantage of technology and concrete materials, exploring visuality.
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