Innovations in teaching materials for teaching Brazilian Sign Language
Teaching Libras, Mnemonic method in Libras, MovementAbstract
This article aims to reflect on innovations for teaching Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), which is a visuospatial language with its own grammar and structure. To be understood, it is necessary for signers to observe the five traditional parameters, considering that recent studies developed by Castro (2021) indicate that minimal units that, when separated, have no meaning, make up the parameters of Libras, forming the phonetic system and phonological as a grammatical part. The Brazilian Sign Language parameters are: hand configuration, hand orientation, point of articulation, facial/body expression and movement. This last parameter is the basis for this work, considering that drawings or photos on paper do not move, which can cause incorrect signaling among apprentices when identifying and executing the signs. Nascimento (2009) suggests the use of interactive videos or animations that value the movement that Brazilian Sign Language needs to be represented. To develop this work, qualitative research was used, with the application of a questionnaire to students of the “Faça Fácil Libras” Course, taught at the Instituto Federal Fluminense campus Campos Centro with mnemonic methodology, without the aid of paper materials. The preliminary results of the data collected show that the teaching of Libras took place effectively, with repetition of the signs with the teacher in the classroom and that the original videos that were made available on the class' Whatsapp helped students to remember the signs. The mentioned course aims to spread Libras for communication with deaf people without static materials that create dependence in students.
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