The importance of the professor and student relationship in Higher Education for learning motivation
University pedagogy, Interactions, Motivational patterns, Theory of Social Representations, Induction of metaphorsAbstract
The article discusses the importance of the teacher-student relationship in motivating learning. Focusing on higher education, the work was based on the Theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1976). This is a qualitative study, which aims to understand, through metaphors, the representation of the teacher-student relationship in higher education and its relationship with learning motivation. The interview with metaphor induction was used as a device for data production. The research collaborator was a student of the Degree in Pedagogy at a public university in the state of Bahia. In the analysis of the data produced, we approached the Content Analysis Technique (BARDIN, 1977) in its thematic version. The main results indicate that the relationship that students establish with their professors in higher education directly influences the motivation of learning and that the educational relationship based on partnership, commitment, acceptance, dialogue and encouragement has a significant weight in giving meaning to learning, influencing motivation, pleasure in learning and student engagement in the course.
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