The potentiality of the narrative research methodology in qualitative studies in the field of educational public policies
Educational Policies, Narrative research, Qualitative researchAbstract
The study theoretically resumes the potential of narrative and its contribution as a methodological path in qualitative research in the field of analysis of educational policies in Brazil. The narrative, in line with Rodrigues and Prado (2015), Serodio and Prado (2017), and Prado, Soligo and Simas (2022), is a discursive practice that enables the attribution of meaning to the experiences that emerge from the daily work in the field of education. Given its dialogical character and appreciation of subjectivity, narrative research is marked by productions where the researcher speaks with the subjects and from them, not about the field, moving towards overcoming the subject-object dichotomy. It is interpreted that narrative research in the field of educational public policies enables a relevant set of perspectives to relate to the political problem, contemplating the unique elements that configure the stories with which reality, itself, is modified.
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