Thinking a space free of bullying: raising awareness at school and on the internet




Technology, School, Prevention, Intervention, Importunity, Bullying


Bullying is a worrying form of violence that affects children and adolescents all over the world, being characterized by repetitive and intentional aggressive behavior that occurs in an unequal way of power. With the advancement of technology and the popularization of the internet, bullying has gained a new dimension with cyberbullying, which occurs through digital platforms. This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of bullying, with a special focus on cyberbullying, within schools and today. The main characteristics, the negative effects on the lives of young people and the prevention and intervention strategies adopted in schools will be explored. In addition, the specific challenges faced in the digital context will be investigated. The methodology used consists of a comprehensive bibliographic review, including academic sources, scientific articles, books and relevant reports. The bibliographic review will allow a critical analysis of the available information and the identification of gaps in existing knowledge. The central issue addressed is the need for attention and action in relation to the problem of bullying, whether in the school or virtual environment. It is essential to understand the nature of the phenomenon, its impacts on victims and school communities, in addition to developing effective prevention and intervention strategies. The present study aims to contribute to the knowledge about bullying and provide subsidies for the implementation of policies and programs to combat this form of violence, with the aim of promoting a safe, inclusive and bullying-free school environment.


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Author Biography

Diane Serpa, Universidade de Passo Fundo - UPF

Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), Mestre em Docência para Ciências, Tecnologias, Engenharias e Matemática pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, licenciada em Matemática pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis pela Universidade do Norte do Paraná, Especialista em Informática para Educação pela Faculdade Alfamérica, Especialista em Matemática e Física pela Faculdade Futura, Especialista em Ensino Lúdico, Tecnologias Educacionais e a Prática em Sala de Aula, Metodologia do Ensino da Matemática pelo Instituto Intervale, Tecnologias Educacionais Aplicadas à Educação pela ULBRA/Canoas-RS. Atua como Professora de Matemática do SENAC EAD e no Estado do RS. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa em Formação Docente para Ciências, Tecnologias, Engenharia e Matemática - GPDSTEM através da linha de pesquisa: Tecnologias Digitais na Prática Docente e do Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação Científica e Tecnológica (GruPECT) através da linha de pesquisa: Processos Educativos e Linguagem.


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How to Cite

Serpa, D. (2023). Thinking a space free of bullying: raising awareness at school and on the internet. Educar Mais, 7, 703–711.