Deaf teachers in higher education: adaptations and reflections on the virtual teaching of Brazilian Sign Language
Virtual teaching, Deaf teachers, Brazilian Sign LanguageAbstract
This work aims to reflect on the role of the deaf teacher in higher education and its relationship to virtual teaching with regard to the discipline of Brazilian Sign Language. To develop this work, we used a quaitative research, with the application of semi-structured interviews involving five professors from two public institutions of higher education, three federal and two state. The data collected show that, in times of a pandemic, teaching had to reinvent itself remotely and gained more and more space. The deaf teachers who participated in the research and who have an extremely sharp visual channel manage to overcome the challenges of the language barrier, disseminating it. Teachers, who use technology in their learning in virtual teaching, are also allowed cultural and linguistic dissemination. Thus, the main purpose of refuting the communicative barriers between deaf and hearing people makes society more equitable.
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