The internship in the process of identity formation of the country teacher
Supervised Internship, Teacher Training, Identity Construction, Field EducationAbstract
This article deals with the identity formation of the Rural Education teacher, based on the narrative of students of the Degree in Rural Education course at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), with the objective of identifying the contribution of the internship in the training process of these educators. Educating in this location requires professionals to recognize their own identity, so that their actions are based on valuing and respecting rural people, taking into account the local reality and the diversity of the population. This article is the result of a qualitative research, carried out with four students enrolled in the internship discipline in History Teaching of the 5th semester, whose data collection took place through semi-structured interviews online. Data were submitted to the content analysis method described by Bardin (2016). The study showed that the internship contributes to the teacher's identity formation, but it showed difficulties for students to express their understanding on the subject, due to challenges during the internship, which occurred remotely due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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