Exergames as a resource to the inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes
Physical Education, Exergames, EducationAbstract
This study aimed to investigate what scientific evidences have discussed about the use of exergames in body culture practices worked in Physical Education classes in basic education. Seeking an understanding of this technological resource and its relationship with teaching, since schools tend to use traditional resources, even knowing that, outside the walls, the reality of the student and the teacher is a virtualized world. Based on the researches found, we looked more closely at what is being researched regarding exergames and Physical Education, between the time frame from 2006 to 2022. this review recommends that future researches be developed regarding the use of exergames as a pedagogical resource that has potential to enhance the inclusion of students with disabilities in the school context in Physical Education classes. Studies focused on this theme need to raise issues and reflections that do not become hostages of a pedagogical approach that does not follow the virtualized generations that we are teaching.
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