Report of monitoring experience in Botanics Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
Monitoring, Emergency remote teaching, Botany teachingAbstract
Right at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, classes at all institutions had to adapt to the emergency remote teaching (ERE) model. The objective of this report was to describe the monitoring experience experienced during the ERE in the discipline of Morphology and Taxonomy of Spermatophytes from the point of view of the student monitor. This is a descriptive approach to the academic monitoring experience, which took place through tools such as Google meet and Whatsapp. The monitoring experience brought the student-monitor a greater learning about the exercise of teaching, causing him to acquire new knowledge and new teaching methodologies through observations and interaction with students. The teaching strategies used during the ERE brought a critical look at new possibilities of teaching methodologies in which the monitor can use when teaching. Monitoring constitutes an important program for the academic formation of the student monitor, to assist in the interaction of students with the content of the discipline and also to provide other learning possibilities.
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