Entomology teaching during the covid-19 pandemic in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil
Practical lab class, Adaptation, Emergence remote teaching, InsectsAbstract
The shift from face-to-face teaching to remote teaching since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, required from colleges and universities, the sudden adaptation of professors and undergraduates to guarantee the continuity of college education. Entomology is the science that studies insects, being mostly practical classes, this science usually require curratory of a collection of insects by the undergraduates, the curricular contents include practical laboratory classes where specimens are analyzed with the aid of microscopes, magnifying glasses and dichotomous keys. Faced with the scenario imposed by the pandemic, practical laboratory classes were unable to be taught by entomology professors, and they had to adapt to ensure activities to promote learning during emergency remote teaching (ERT). Thus, this study aimed to analyze the teaching practice of entomology professors during the Covid-19 pandemic in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. To carry out this study, a Google form was applied, transformed into an anonymized database, considering the teaching practice from March 2020 to May-July 2022. Professor training before the pandemic was questioned; described the relationship between higher education institution and professor; support and training during the ERT; professorship, and the mandatory adaptations that affected entomology professors. The results obtained with the research showed that professors faced specific difficulties, due to their own training and the usual need for entomology classes in the laboratory, so teachers had to go through the learning process in front of different technological infrastructures (remote classes). Professors were able to achieve the proposed didactic/pedagogical objectives, causing their students to continue their graduations amid the pandemic. Therefore, this study revealed the lack of availability of work tools (computers, cameras and studios) and financial support from colleges for teachers to work at home offices. So far, there are no technologies that make practical laboratory classes possible remotely. Finally, it became evident that the quality of remote theoretical classes is regulated by the participation and interest of the students, in short, this whole situation helped the Colleges to create protocols for pandemic processes.
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