TDIC in pedagogy courses at the triple border Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana
Curriculum; TDIC; Triple Border; Pedagogy, TDIC, Triple Border, PedagogyAbstract
The work seeks to guide reflections on the discussion of Digital Information and Communication Technologies - TDIC - and the approach given to them in the Pedagogy curricula of two Higher Education Institutions located on the border with English Guyana and Venezuela, in the extreme north of the country. Brazil. With the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers around the world were taken by surprise because of the pandemic and challenged to totally change their routines and workspaces, reorienting their practices through the use of digital and remote technologies. Faced with the challenge posed, we focus on looking at this reality through the analysis of teacher training courses, having the state of Roraima-Brazil as a locus and asking the following questions: What are the possible challenges faced by future teachers in the use of TDIC in the territorial context of the Triple Border? What is the importance of training education professionals from the perspective of TDIC? This is a qualitative, documentary and exploratory research, focusing on the curriculum of two undergraduate courses in Pedagogy at public institutions, especially the disciplines that propose to discuss TDICs. As preliminary results, in general, it was possible to verify that both institutions seek to adapt within the possibilities that the moment demanded in terms of remote technologies in the curricula of the mentioned courses. However, there is still a long way to go towards the necessary ethical discussions regarding the other dimensions of technologies that are in need of a more critical debate.
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