Teaching knowledge in the teaching of children with disabilities in the Early Years: a study in the municipality of Capão da Canoa
Teaching knowledge, Inclusive education, Professional experienceAbstract
This present articleaddresses content about teacher’s knowledge in teaching children with disabilities and aims to understand what are the sources of knowledge that guide the pedagogical practice of teachers in a public school in the city of Capão da Canoa of students with disabilities.Still, Maurice Tardif's (2010) conceptions about teaching knowledge are used to analyze and reflect on this universe that makes up the pedagogical practice.The methodology chosen was qualitative with a descriptive approach that takes the form of comparative causal studies/post facto studies.The material collection instrument was a semi-structured interview designed for three teachers from the early years of a regular school who have students with disabilities in their classes.The research revealed that a way for teachers to search for new knowledge to integrate into the pedagogical practice with students with disabilities is mainly anchored in the professional experience of other teachers,thus, dialogue with teachers who study inclusive education and who work at the same school are a way of guiding practice and generating new knowledge.
Keywords: Teaching knowledge. Inclusive education. Professional experience
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