"Crooked house" and pedagogical education: sliding the senses of childhood
Conceptual Character, Childhood, Literature, Teacher Training.Abstract
This work takes the work "The Crooked House" as an injunction point of three discursive planes around the representation of childhood. First, of the author, Agatha Christie, circumscribed by the rules that govern the detective novel as a literary genre. Second, of the narrative, the child Josephine, elevated to the status of a conceptual character, and third, the experience of reading this book as a possibility for the process of training in pedagogy. We propose the articulation of these plans as a way of opposing the homogenizing discourses around childhood, as an effect of displacements in the production of meanings. Supported by the French Discourse Analysis, which points out the limits of the interpretations as the very place of the analyst's work, we highlight the power of the representation of the crooked child when disconnected from the error or the pathological, and linked to the presence of a gap that challenges us to fill with the precariousness of the word. In this same process, the crooked child in education is the one who resists both school routines and learning, placing himself in a displaced position and showing the process of sense production in its historical forms.
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