The formation of the translator and interpreter educational in Minas Gerais: analysis and reflections of interpreters formers
Educational interpreter, Libras, Translator and interpreter, Interpreter formerAbstract
The role of translator and interpreter of Libras was recognized as a profession in Brazil by Federal Law 12.319 of 2010. This law that consequently recognizes the role of the educational interpreter does not guarantee the specific institution of training courses at a higher or technical level of these professionals. Thus, this research aims to analyze and reflect the impacts of this problem on their professional identity and consequently in the educational área from the perspective, reflection and analysis of Interpreters of language sign formers (ILSF) The data analysis of this research was carried out based on the study of the specific legislation regarding professional training, scientific productions about the attributions of the translator and interpreter of language signs educational (TILSE) and interpreter of language sign former (ILSF), and the testimonies of formers of TILSEs from the state of Minas Gerais. The results of this research therefore presents a problem related to the formation and functional attribuctions of these professionals for their pairs, to civil society, public authorities and higher educational institutions.
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