Georgescu-Roegen and Hans Jonas' thoughts contributions to Science and Technology Education




Laws of thermodynamics, Principle of responsibility, Science and Technology Education, STS


Mankind behavior has caused changes in nature and social behavior to such an extent that the ideal of sustainable development has become unsustainable. In order to sensitize a systemic and reflective look at the human condition as well as at the state of being on this finite planet, this study aims at problematizing a possible relationship between the responsibility principle developed by Hans Jonas, the economic-entropic reflections depicted by Georgescu-Rogen and Education in Science and Technology (ECT). A bibliographical research that provides the theoretical and informative bases to make the Sciences of Nature, Economics and Philosophy meet dialogically with a view to raising awareness and preserving the different forms of life, of nature and of humanity itself scaffolds this study. These reflections turn to ECT, fostering interdisciplinarity and a holistic view both in teacher education and in the technical and technological areas of natural and human sciences.


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Author Biographies

Iara Maitê Campestrini Binder, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC

Licenciada em Física (UDESC), Especialista em Informática na Educação (UNERJ), Mestre em Física (UDESC), Doutoranda em Educação Científica e Tecnológica (UFSC). Professora do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina/Campus Jaraguá do Sul-Rau.

Ana Paula Grimes de Souza, UNISOCIESC – Grupo Ânima

Licenciada em Física (UDESC), Mestre e Doutoranda em Educação Científica e Tecnológica (UFSC). Professora da UNISOCIESC – Grupo Ânima Educação e professora colaboradora da UDESC/Campus Joinville.


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GEORGESCU-ROEGEN, Nicholas. O decrescimento: entropia, ecologia, economia. São Paulo: editora SENAC, 2012.

JONAS, Hans. O princípio responsabilidade: ensaio de uma ética para a civilização tecnológica. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto: Ed. PUC-Rio, 2006.

KÖCHE, José Carlos. Fundamentos de metodologia científica: teoria da ciência e iniciação científica. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2011.

MORIN, Edgar. Os sete saberes necessários à educação do futuro. 2.ed.rev. São Paulo: Cortez; Brasília, DF: UNESCO, 2011.

MORIN, Edgar. Ensinar a viver: manifesto para mudar a Educação. Porto Alegre: Meridional, 2015.

PRODANOV, Cleber Cristiano; ERNANI, Cesar de Freitas. Metodologia do trabalho científico: métodos e técnicas da pesquisa e do trabalho acadêmico. 2ed. Novo Hamburgo: Feevale, 2013.



How to Cite

Campestrini Binder, I. M., & Grimes de Souza, A. P. (2021). Georgescu-Roegen and Hans Jonas’ thoughts contributions to Science and Technology Education. Educar Mais, 5(5), 1129–1136.


