The incidence of bullying at public school and the role of management in coping with violence
School, Management, violence, BullyingAbstract
This work aims to report the incidence of bullying in Public Schools in the municipality of Jaguarão, State of Rio Grande do Sul, verifying management actions in relation to this violence, which is increasingly present in the school environment and has brought serious consequences for those who suffer it. The research is done in two schools, one being municipal and other state. From interviews with teachers, management staff and parents, it was possible to get to know the reality of schools better, as well as the occurrences of bullying. The data indicate that the municipal school does not yet have an effective proposal aimed at coping with bullying, while the state school has already worked on the culture of peace to soften the effects of aggressions. In the school environment, look for alternatives to reduce bullying is a basic education action.
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