Corporate education: meaningful learning in the context of companies


  • Celi Langhi CEETEPS
  • Denilson de Sousa Cordeiro CEETEPS
  • Mariana de Lima Simões Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Caio Flávio Stettiner Fatec Sebrae (São Paulo – SP)



Corporate education, Meaningful learning, Cognitive structure, Previous knowledge


Brazilian companies have made investments in education to overcome crises, to acquire competitiveness to deal with the challenges of the current economy and to achieve their strategic objectives. This article aims to discuss the application of the theory of meaningful learning to the development of good teaching practices in corporate education. A qualitative research was carried out, based on the descriptive literature review, which revealed structures and trends regarding the applicability of the theoretical assumptions of meaningful learning in the teaching and learning processes in companies. The results indicate that, for meaningful learning to occur in corporate education, it is necessary that the didactic processes in companies are more inclusive in relation to new knowledge, considering the importance of the individuals previous knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Celi Langhi, CEETEPS

Professora do Programa de Mestrado do CEETEPS, Unidade de Pós-Graduação, Extensão e Pesquisa (São Paulo – SP). Doutora e Mestre em Psicologia da Educação pela USP

Denilson de Sousa Cordeiro, CEETEPS

Mestrando do Programa de Mestrado do CEETEPS, Unidade de Pós-Graduação, Extensão e Pesquisa (São Paulo – SP).

Mariana de Lima Simões, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Mestranda em Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE.

Caio Flávio Stettiner, Fatec Sebrae (São Paulo – SP)

Professor da Fatec Sebrae (São Paulo – SP). Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Cidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Langhi, C., Cordeiro, D. de S. ., Simões, M. de L. ., & Stettiner, C. F. . (2021). Corporate education: meaningful learning in the context of companies. Educar Mais, 5(5), 1003–1017.


