The Concept of Competence in Pedagogical Theories




Competence, Knowledges, Pedagogical Theory, Human formation


This work aims to discuss the concept of competences. The work is divided into five stages: it starts with the evolution of the concept according to Berstein (2003); followed by the situation of the concept in pedagogical theories and conceptions; thirdly, the relationship between the concept and productivist conceptions in the Brazilian context is analyzed based on studies by Saviani (2005) and Libâneo (2003; 2010); the last two parts analyze the thoughts of two renowned authors: Ramos (2001; 2009) and Perrenoud (2009; 2013). The first is a reference in the critical view to the issues of conforming education to market demands; the second is an advocate of skills development, having influenced several authors and legislators in the Brazilian reforms on the subject.


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Author Biographies

Clauthenys Lara Prata Machado, Instituto Federal do Ceará - IFCE

Master's student in Professional and Technological Education (IFCE). Technical Education in Tourism (1986), graduation in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION from the Federal University of Ceará (2002), specialist in TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENT(2005) and in GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT at UNILAB. EAD Tutor in the Bachelor of Public Administration at UNILAB. Experience in the Administration area, with an emphasis on planning, administrative processes, contracts and bids.

Samuel Brasileiro Filho, Instituto Federal do Ceará - IFCE

Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (1983), Master in Applied Computing from the State University of Ceará (2003) and Ph.D. in Education from the Federal University of Ceará (2013). He is currently Retired Full Professor at the Federal Institute of Ceará and Professor of the permanent staff of the Master's Degree in Professional and Technological Education - ProfEPT at IFCE - Fortaleza Campus. He has 40 years of experience in professional and technological education as a teacher and researcher at IFCE and as former General Director of the Federal Technical School and former President of the Instituto Centro de Ensino Tecnológico - CENTEC. He was a member of the Regional Councils of SENAC and SENAI and currently holds the position of Councilor of the State Council of Education.

Natal Lânia Roque Fernandes, Instituto Federal do Ceará - IFCE

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Paraíba (1988), Specialization in New Technologies in Education from UFPB (1999), Master in Education from the Federal University of São Carlos-SP (2002) and Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Ceará(2012 ), with a sandwich period at the University of Porto-Portugal. Professor of the Professional Masters Course in Professional and Technological Education - PROFEPT, at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará. Leader of the Interdisciplinary Group for Research and Study of Education - GIPEE and of the Study Group on (auto)biography, curriculum and identity - BIOGRACI. Has experience in the field of Education, working mainly with the themes: Curriculum, teacher training, knowledge and teacher identity and research.


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How to Cite

Prata Machado, C. L., Brasileiro Filho, S. ., & Roque Fernandes, N. L. . (2021). The Concept of Competence in Pedagogical Theories. Educar Mais, 5(5), 1069–1082.


